When fragility is not even a question!!
I shall not quit.
The almighty lost when he did not respond.
He thought I am strong.
He left me to myself young and yonder.
He straightened me, removed my curve and exposed my successes and failures bare.
He took an unsurmountable risk to send me that far away from home to gather lilies, rear a garden and create a mansion out of the jungle.
I shall not quit when the almighty backs me.
I prayed hard to thee.
Heed he said move on. I am there.
But there were almost 1000 storms my garden faced but the almighty was long gone. He did not respond.
Am I that easily taken, I asked the 1000th storm. It was very difficult to survive the first, you made till the 1000th!!
My garden is intact, I said. That is the only motive. I am strong not fragile. I am awaiting many more environmental blows but my aim is strong.
Quit they said. I kept saying no.
I said I survived all blows, massacred myself inside out, so I do not give up.
My garden is intact, I said. I asked myself, what more do you want, more harshness….welcome. I shall survive any and every other dumbfounding storms.
I cannot leave my garden, like the mother tigress cannot leave her cubs.
I urged the jungle to together survive storms.
I am stronger. Fragility is not a question anymore. That softness is long gone. It is the time to prepare for the next leap, bring more plants in and nurture the garden with fresh flowers to bloom and keep strong.
My call is different. Fragility is long gone. The almighty set me up for challenges. I only know my perspective that I won. Those who think I lost, they do not know me, and I do not want to know them. I won.