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Three practices to know yourself better
Practice detachment

Knowing who you are is difficult because we are multitudes according to our roles that we take up to fulfil our responsibilities.
Every life, including an ant is routine bound and has the responsibility to feed itself and her baby ants.
According to me, we are just some energy that mobilizes some chemical substances, and water. This energy is our soul which knows no bias, does not arrange itself, adjust or plan. It is there to keep us alive, it gave us form and requires us to maintain it, to fulfil the vital functions, of which, thinking is one.
Krishna to Arjun:
………………Steadfastness in the knowledge of the self (as a soul), contemplation on the goal of true knowledge, all this is declared to be ‘knowledge’ and all that is other than this is ‘ignorance’………………….
That has hands and feet everywhere, has eyes, heads and mouths everywhere, has ears everywhere, and exists in the world enveloping everything, shining through the functions of all senses; unattached, yet, verily…