The importance of the Sun!!

Purva Shoor
2 min readJan 31, 2022

Let’s pray to the sun!

Hinduism in its scriptures mentions Surya Dev or the Sun God as one of the most esteemed diety. Yogis, rishis, Brahmins practice praying to the Lord for the divine energy that fills our mind and body with a purpose to live our lives with hope and enthusiasm for yet another bright and courageous day.

We discuss morning routines quite a lot nowadays and about consistency in maintaining rituals like cold showers, exercise, walks, and more….

But you may be a person in Greece or Spain or Japan, I suggest try this hack for becoming an overwhelming superpower within you, that is, to begin your day by visualising the sun rise between your eyebrows with eyes closed…feel the energy for at least 5 minutes. Believe me, you shall have a great day ahead, it will go the way you like it.

Another important ritual that you may start practicing is Surya Namaskar, or sun salutation, a yogic practice, which can be done in the form of hatha yoga or power yoga, as you like it.

Remember to practice at least one time everyday, all the 12 postures with long breaths. If you are new to it, follow some you tube videos, they are plenty.

This practice can cleanse the vitiated thoughts we have gathered in our lifetime and we must enjoy this empowerment because goals can be accomplished without much joy also but if we enjoy our accomplishments through spirituality, I think, joyous will be our days on this Earth.

The sun is magnificent even if you don’t want to call it God. The sun is the greatest gift to those alive.

I was born on a Sunday, and I think the charm of the diety has been bestowed on me, though I have lots of flaws, I am joyful most of the time also in the toughest times. I do complain but the idea is to get it right inside myself. I learnt the importance of energy and gravity very early in school and we all know that these two things have made life possible on Earth.

Why not receive the abundant sun and it’s warmth the first thing in the morning. If where you put up is cold and dark in the mornings, try to visualise the sun at any time during the day, even at night. This energy is available within you. You can focus on it whenever you want to.

Do practice your morning rituals everyday but try the sun for a beautiful body and mind. The consequence shall be success certainly in most of your errands making each day a masterpiece of your life.

Remember that your joy is not to boast about stuff, and not that you are being selfish by getting what you want, but because the sun blesses us all, there is no room for preference. What I have you also have or can. We only need to design ourselves by receiving all the blessings and energy surrounding us.

So I pray that everyone has the sun and is special enough to receive the ray of hope every day of their life.



Purva Shoor

I am a doctor, writer and I write to inspire readers to think for themselves and light a candle in their niche for a perfect world around them.