Selfless pursuits that can make you happy for long
Needn’t be that you become a saint

We cannot keep looking inside to find our answers. We are social people so we do need some interaction out of the comfort zone. People who look inside are more better quality individuals but for heaven’s sake it is not what the Almighty would like. We need to do good and not be a super introspected police for our values, needs, desires and morals. It never makes you a lot more happy if you only look inside. Even stoics have the right to be funny and joyful at least for half an hour in our day-to-day busy hours.
We have the pain of insatiable routines, stagnancy, not living to full potential and not finding compassion anywhere, not even inside.
This pain goes away with peace. This peace is achieved after years of decision making, keeping control, not laughing and meditating. This peace is not lasting because the pain of loneliness is loathsome, but it was Leo Tolstoy in the making!! Whatever your pursuit is, do not forget to interact with a positive attitude. Sometimes you wouldn’t want to but it is exactly the need of the hour to reach out and help or bring out the best in people you know (may be do not know). The peace that lasts long is not about what you are dealing with inside. Happiness of a social person lies with surrendering ourselves unto the service of others. It does not mean that you have to sacrifice your self-respect and no not even your ego.
Those anxiety driven beings must understand that there are certain things to do everyday that will make you very happy without losing much in life.
- Never pray for yourself, pray for others. It gives you a divine beauty, a chase towards a clean and pure soul whose aura is well accepted by those encircling your span of control. Many things get sorted out when you pray for others. Your vice gets subjugated by divinity.
- Be a person of principles. Always remember women and children first, even if you are a woman. Give them a place to sit, look for the cues if they are not quite comfortable. You don’t have to overdo the care, just keep in mind that you cannot use certain words that your women will hate more-so, if these words are directed at them. Children need to be understood, talk to them and make them comfortable confiding in you, assuring them that they are safe with you and that you are there to help.
- Keep public toilets clean. Do you like peeing over someone else’s shit? Clean your shit, if there are no means go out of the way to pour a bucket of water. It will clean your mind and cleanliness is happiness that lasts long.
- If you can afford, be the first person to pay for at least a single dinner with friends. Do not be that mean girl who wants her meals paid by others always. Ask if you should pay or share the cost. It is a good bonding with friends if you are not only about money, you buy feelings and happiness. If you cannot afford, try barter, bring something you can afford or offer some good advise.
- Keep your family in good condition. You may not be the elites but bring comfort, hygiene and communication to your home. Your people will love it and this makes all of us very happy.
- Smile always, it could be for a stranger looking tired. That smile is contagious. It rejuvenates that tired person. Try more smiling during working hours, it helps by dissipating anger and makes us vent out at some other less busier part of the day when you can introspect and let go or take action wisely.
- Gift a few words of acceptance to people you feel might be suffering. Your mother, a friend, a competitor, anyone. Never be the source of bad news unless it becomes necessary. As a doctor I know it better with a whole lot of ethical reasoning about it. If you want to say something bad look for the right moment, and comfort of the person you are talking to.
- Share examples, be an example of a value driven life. Never waste time on rat race. Stop. Have mercy on yourself and others. Do and say as much as it is digestible.
- Do not be a saint but be good. Scheming about things does not lead us anywhere. Too much of it is enough now. Be real, be authentic and become someone ready to help whenever required.
Needless to say, but I must emphasize, good and bad are relative to social context. If you are not comfortable, how can others be? Extreme selflessness is undesirable. Wear your seatbelts and then advise, care, love, talk and so on. Become a bit selfish now so that you can contribute selflessly otherwise what remains is an empty vessel that keeps making noise.