Say a no to the sufferings to discover spirituality
Minimize the self-loathing, embrace a no suffering attitude

Yoga training since past 26 years with intervals of gym or swimming has sustained me to endure the most grievous hurts that people brought to my life.
Some people are happier if I suffer. Their intentions are not right for me. But now there is almost an end to my sufferings.
There were coaches who brought me mental stability, to endure bad words, professional rivalry, physical pain and the ones in the past year made me thank them for their good will and devotion towards my well-being. I bought their devotion with a few kind words only. They made me question every reason behind my sufferings.
There is no special way to end sufferings. It cannot get over with lots of money, marriage, family, children, looks or books. Neither does it end by finding your purpose. Because you can achieve a lot of things along with sufferings also.
Spirituality is the opposite state of suffering. But you tend to become spiritual when you had enough of the latter. The best sort of state of your mind is by not suffering. No guru can teach us spirituality but this;
Some people awaken spiritually without ever coming into contact with any meditation technique or any spiritual teaching. They may awaken simply because they can’t stand the suffering anymore-Eckhart Tolle
Why seek spirituality- is to end suffering and how to achieve spirituality is to end your suffering, like you end smoking a cigarette.
Jesus Christ liberated himself from sufferings. He endured all atrocities for guiding common people in the path of goodness. He taught them a way to live. He suffered for others, but never called it suffering. The God suffered. He endured all pain and pleasure, not reacting to both, to demonstrate true spirituality.
There comes a stage in your life when you stop enduring pain. Pain and pleasure seems alike. You simply end the vicious cycle of perturbance. You stop worrying and start taking action. Worry is the most brutal consequence of suffering. Why bother or how much to bother about own well-being or others’ comfort?
People can be ruthless. Our immediate reaction would be to snub their brutalities. Some country men can be harsh on innocent people like us. We need not retaliate with vengeance. They might resist you with their callousness. Do not fight them, just change your direction then when you know that you cannot be as bad as them. When you know your destination, there exist many directions to reach. Find peace with yourself.
Just say this aloud-
I will not suffer anymore. I will not suffer for them. I will not worry my future, instead I shall take action to create it with total devotion to myself first.
This mindset is powerful. It lifts you up because it does not let in someone else, who will treat you like a scapegoat, want name, fame, money all through your energy and never treat you well. Such is the harshness among people nowadays. Be careful about whom you like to give importance to, they should be the ones who do not play games with you for their personal success, and you matter to them for bestowing their good will.
Become someone with a strong backbone, not swayed by brutalities. Be strong to devote to yourself.
When you need you, self-compassion develops. Do not compromise with people who make you suffer in any context. Make peace with yourself and your circumstances. Accept yourself fully. Know yourself. Not like being self-absorbed but like becoming self-directed. Plan the day so that you suffer minimal and achieve quadruple.
The path of Sita was so difficult. She suffered till her death in the pursuit of righteousness that is expected out of the Indian women to gain their respect. It was her might that she chose to die than to give in to the God head who wanted to gain her back after abandoning her. It was her pain. She suffered because she was a woman.
Life of men is very easy all over the world. There are less expectations from them. They can swear at the girls the way they please. But if they feel subdued by a woman, even if he is a man of a very low profile, these male chauvinists (not literally, they could be just males), make her life miserable.
I know of a woman with 7 children who was abandoned by her husband for someone else, and leaving her with no money to withstand herself.
She has no choice, but to create a strong mind to protect herself from suffering.
I do not live by the gender bias. I belong to a privileged family, I am not broke and I am a doctor by profession. People are more scared of me than bestow their brutality on me. Such is my profile. So I do not suffer most of the times.
But by default one must remember that we should protect the women and children first. This is what we teach students also for the huge revenue that the health system delegates to the mother and child healthcare in our country.
No one should suffer. I am not harsh on men but they have a higher threshold of perturbance. They take things light. They do not need a loving treatment during classes, they can be shouted at. This difference remains. However much a female is tough, she suffers for no reason and brutal men do not suffer even though things go tough, their girl child or wife does for them. This observation is mostly right, no matter how much polishing a man does to prove it wrong.
So to gain spirituality, understand the innateness of the yin and yang. Construct a society with least suffering. I was always proud of my religion and culture that protects spirituality among those people also who do not believe in God. We do not need God to end suffering. We just need a strong mind that develops through education. Do not leave your basics when you can fight with assertion and not rebukes.
Be spiritual. End sufferings. Know your needs, strive towards them, there is abundance everywhere for all. Some people have more of nature, others have more of hospital bills, both strata should say no to sufferings.