Sapientia et doctrina
We don’t need a lot of motivation, we need to be out there without…..
I practiced cold showers, morning walks, focus in work and study, yoga, modest eating and being amidst nature, loving my family and more such things for the past 5 years….and, yes, my quality of life has improved tremendously, undoubtedly, and I am grateful to the gravity around to have made me accomplish things not many can among my people. I am physically, mentally and socially healthier than before….yet there are problems..
The problem is, though I am not a life style freak, I need indulgence, I need to indulge in books to carry forward the knowledge that brought me here, further to the next level, after revising the stuff done and learn voraciously for the next leap. But this healthy lifestyle seems a bigotry to learning!!
I have all the wisdom to accomplish my goals and can learn also, but something hampers my indulgence in things that might help me to gain the knowledge I crave for!!
This is not my story alone. Many of us are living a quality life, in terms of a high salary jobs, monotonous routines, and clean environment, without reflecting on the fact that days are passing by and we are not bringing ourselves out to become wiser, become good learners and contribute and help each other get to the next level. Quality of life is most sought but after that? Quality is certainly a goal but how to let it continue? That thing that I miss is people no longer relish reading newspapers, discussing books, experimenting, joyfully exploring places and are glued on to their tablets, phones, televisions. No it is not due to coronavirus in any sense. Is it more of fulfillment through self actualization, spirituality, reduced need for hard work and being out there?
Are people more learned than before? But I find them becoming narcissists without the wisdom to endure, to understand and be truly out there and enjoy others….and their achievements. Just me is important?
I find people becoming brats and they brag, and such people call themselves mature and wise and learned when it causes lots of pain and reluctance in them to answer a few simple questions asked by their children or old and experienced people.
Wisdom brings learning, and it is a good package to be possessed with such virtues. You can learn a lot but lose it all if you are not wise, you may be wise but cannot learn if you don’t have an opportunity or you dread the risk.
Prepare your life- that is wisdom, it takes every day to do so, and don’t let an opportunity to pass by, to learn voraciously to become someone with an intellectual capacity and not an impulsive performer.
The leader usually stays behind and can run in any direction, intervening only when his team traversing ahead of him is found in danger by him to correct them. He builds such reflexes through his wisdom and learning to protect them.
Practice makes a man perfect should never be forgotten, don’t forget to practice, and your brain will automatically form connections. Experience makes us wiser to learn and unlearn as and when we like. It’s not easy but that is why we are alive.
Some people let their mind flow in any direction while others control their mind. This control should not be according to the outside, you do it due to inside, yes of course, but you need to get out there to become comfortable, full of wisdom, so that it will train your mind to be in control.
Sometimes relax. This relaxation can be kept aside for that part of the day when all errands are done and you can unlearn what is not needed and be wise to avoid a burn out and be ready to embark upon another day tomorrow for new learnings!!