Proscriptions for a mentally healthy life
We have one life of which we are aware, “the this life”. If we all have to die one day, then it makes sense to enjoy the way we want to and keep doing the things that may sabotage our health and well being in the long run. But why not make health an addiction? Why not age and die? Why not live healthy for most of our lives?
We cannot modify our genes, gender, ethnicity and age, neither what they lead us to in terms of health. But we can make ourselves best in what the creator has bestowed upon us. We can enrich our traits through certain ways that are ironically common to all genes, gender, ethnicity and age, so according to me, there are certain things we should forbid ourselves from doing so that we can become healthier and best versions of ourselves.
- Do not starve. Eat small and healthy. Eat every 2–3 hrs. Feed yourself fruits, vegetables, eggs, chicken, bananas. Keep away over cooked and over spiced foods, red meat, too many sweets and desserts and so on.
- Do not be clueless about deciding your life partner. You should know whom to love, unless you are a saint who loves and sees the world equally, or a mortal who has been enlightened against commitment till someone right appears in her life. Usually in the majority of women, in my country, we cannot choose this particular aspect of our life in order to keep up with the society and for family stakes. There are some others who take a stand against society, not all crib later, however mostly do for an entire lifetime of no fulfillment of desires of all kinds. Although there is a lot of propaganda about letting the family choose our life partner to avoid mental, physical, emotional abuse by the in laws families, and sometimes, even that cannot be a salvage for an innocent girl who was clueless about whom to wed.
- Do not read if you cannot focus. Leave your book immediately, take a hot shower, pamper yourself, cook, draw, paint, stitch, walk, exercise but do not read when you cannot concentrate. If you do it may be the starting point of depression when you cannot get your mind back into the text and wander aimlessly sitting idol for a couple of hours. This is not right for your emotional and mental health. It is a battle of mind and heart that which has to be synchronized. Although you can keep an hour or two in a day exclusively for wandering in a healthy way, like when you take a walk amidst nature.
- Do not dread loneliness. We need people around who understand us and don’t judge us harshly. If you cannot find such friends around, then be thankful for your loneliness. Remember there is abundance of nature around us.
- Never be scared of judgement by your seniors, colleagues, fellows, subordinates at work. It provides us the feedback and supervision to improve our work. You might or not explain to them, nevertheless, learn by observations.
- Do not judge, observe. Let your subconscious imbibe the good that you see around. If you keep judging, you cannot enjoy the goods, like intentions, vulnerability, hard work, benevolence, love, emotions. If you make every such emotion a question mark for each other’s existence, then certainly you cannot live healthy. You are making yourself ill and sick.
- Do not waste resources. Try to avoid hoarding things and still buy new stuff. Do not be a shopaholic. Use all what you buy judiciously, keep money and economy safe for old age as because then you might not be able to earn and grow wealth any longer.
- Never ignore your waist circumference. Count your calories according to how you spend them and add accordingly.
- Never forget to drink water. It gulps your thoughts, helps in digestion, replenishes and relaxes you, keeps you full, makes a good skin tonic.
- Never forget to smile no matter what.
- Don’t ignore exercise. Work hard to keep your body moving.
- Don’t inhibit yourself from books, religion (founder of a spiritually healthy life), love and so on. Work hard for your intellectual well being too, love book reading so that you can focus and it should not become a burden. Know what book helps you gain knowledge, which book works for you to stay interested and gives you insights to develop a creative mind. If you love it, you can read a lot.
In whatever you do, gain health, not guilt, do not live in terms of others, you can adjust your being but not your ideas and definitions of a healthy life.