Open your eyes to life………..
Most people learn the same way, average people learn the same way!!
How we form brain connections is the only difference among humans and the rest is our DNA. The diversity lies in the environment and experiences, but how we imbibe and assimilate the environment is essentially the same, and we also derive similarly. Two girls on their way to college are giggling and happily talking about their guy friends, and their communication is in English in Delhi. Similarly, two girls are rebuking their guy friends in a very small village of Ladhpur in western U.P. Both the groups shall remember this friendship and chatter for very many years. They formed similar brain connections similarly.
I had trouble remembering stuff some years ago which brought me to read a book called Long Term Potentiation by Tim Bliss. It iterated the 30 years of development in learning and memory till 2004, in the 3rd edition. Back in 2003 I learnt about the Kainate receptors and the neurotransmitter glutamate, which helps in long term memory. And of course also the firing of neurons, necessary to wake up the silent neurons with loads of input in one direction then bidirectional through repeated instigation that forms the most important function of human life, thinking and deep learning. This book has kept me from losing my mind.
We have to do lots of negations by intruding our thought process that may keep us overwhelmed if we don’t do anything about it. There is a need for negative psychotherapy to make things hard, because in most mental disorders, although unethical at times, it helps people to get out of the funk and put in efforts to learn stuff that matters and finally one becomes able minded and develops self awareness. We also understand our thinking patterns and unlearn those sticky thoughts that disturb us and do not let us practice things we ought to for personal well being, and why not? Acceptance and sane thoughts follow through the negative psychotherapy that enables, precipitates and reinforces us to fight for our life.
The mental status of someone who cleans the toilets everyday is better than those who do not. A mind that prays has faith. A mind that wanders has a vision.
If our environment is clean, we form chaste connections and we get to know what it is like to be better on the cleaner side. We might even make an effort to clean and what we achieve through our personal training should be disseminated, to the benefit of others.
If you place a slum dweller in a state of the art residential area as a house-maid, where she is supposed to clean properly every nook and corner and even make toilets shine, she learns cleanliness. When she goes back to her chaupadi, she uses a public toilet near her abode. She starts contemplating, wants to clear the rut in her thoughts, she wants to be clean always. This brings change, she collects other house-maids and starts cleaning the public toilet, imposes fine on those who come out without cleaning their mess, she teaches children to be hygienic, soon a sanitation barrier is created, and consequently the intestinal infections are controlled and the children of the slum develop hygiene!! Finally, this gentrification promoted public health that has created healthier and cleaner masses with a good mentality.
If our bowel is healthy, we can do our job well. The day there is constipation, many of us cannot concentrate on our work… a joke… but seriously it is true. If we binge on alcohol on a Sunday, our Mondays become unproductive, so why not only on Saturdays?
So let us get back to the long term potentiation, one should programme their mind so much so that it will not revert to the place, people, source where the pain begins. It is difficult because the pain is remembered more than the gratification. We can only keep the essence of the pain or the learnt lesson, rest needs to be forgotten by forming new connections. Our green surroundings, morning walks and pollution free workplace is an impetus to productive thinking and we become comfortable according to our nature. Sadhguru says, human mind can expand with limitlessness, without boundaries, but we need to work upon it and responsibly handle it. Before we allow our mind to break free, we need to train it responsibly by the fact that what are we emanating. When the environment keeps instigating ideas and positive thoughts, the new connections form. Notions that were thought to be not good, might be what is required or normal to indulge in. Our horizon becomes larger and broader with the ever changing experiences like that of the house maid…
We may face rebellion against us, but if you have worked upon your way of life and thinking, learn to speak your mind, not to justify but to find your place in the shelter where you belong. This work that we do inside us has sculpted from years of experience. A person from Singapore will never spit on roads even if he travels to some other country where it is allowed. Core habits are formed through the long term potentiation which depends on our sense of smell, taste, hearing and sight, also practice. When we are challenged in life, new connections form again. We are wired inside. Such wiring may affect our physical health too.
We are not different but diversity matters due to these connections that are actually formed similarly in all of us. Success and love are drivers for the most people on this planet. We are not permanent so why not achieve?
Therefore open your eyes and reflect to become One Earth on this World Environment Day. Aim hopefully to forget the rut and new connections will eventually form that may really help broaden our perspective and explore infinity present as a possibility of an intelligent human mind. We do need firing at synapses and not only a single low voltage stimulation. This will beget de-addiction from drugs, bad habits or indulgence in instant gratification like into sugary and syrupy beverages, sedentary lifestyle and so on. Until we see the other way, we will continue with the rut without opening our eyes and evolve.