No preconceived notion before judgement
Judgements based on our past experiences make us satisfied like an illusion but with objectivity, truly happy!!

When we do not expect we do not judge but when we don’t shirk we judge. Reason comes before judgement and not after. And if at all, our judgmental brain is enucleated, we become vegetative minds that eat, sleep, defecate, reproduce, and die. None of us would have smelled, tasted, reflected on happiness. True happiness is not experiencing some vegetative stimuli, but if we reason and judge any experience of the past, we bring life to it and become a truly happy mind and soul which eats and drinks experiences with objectivity. Therefore, the vegetative minds should evolve and become thinking minds.
The variously thought interpretation of any situation helps us to move on. We feel like completing one phase and not someone having so many unfulfilled dreams. This completeness, even if an illusion brings satisfaction.
A human mind lives in the past and future, yet present moments are also remembered which shall soon become past. People who are old, deliver their experiences without attaching any subjectivity to it. It means, even if they attach a feeling to what they say, there is no guilt, shame, love for oneself or selfishness in it. Old age commences with pride for most adults. It becomes a life story when the elderly speak their minds without adding expectations to it. So, do not dread what haunts us always, the past, or drains our energy, the future.
A young chap who faced trouble extraordinarily, will not shirk the situation or take bad things positively. He becomes judgmental. Sometimes, he does not attach any reason to it.
There are all kinds of men and women in different phases of life around us, all keep judging and reasoning inside their mind. We can sometimes talk among each other and decipher cues from people’s expressions and speech, to judge immediately if they are in trouble. And then just let go or intervene, this freedom of choice has not been granted to us right from the period of evolution of mankind. We simply are wrong by default yet we reason and judge similar problems differently or different situations similarly. Instead, we must keep to selective curiosity and reason without an opinion unless there are testimonials or experiences attached to our decisions and judgements. No preconceived notions before the need to judge is required to not make mistakes in our perceptions and thinking. Allow another version and be respectful of another’s individuality.
We are advised by wise men to live in the present and to not worry about the future, but things like, ‘I forgot my keys yesterday in the living room’, or ‘this concept I came across 15 years ago, but it still holds good’. We are much happier thinking than resisting our thoughts to not become trouble makers in our own life, and the life of others.
To be happy is to take the responsibility of judging or not judging. It is our life, we have to be comfortable with ourselves foremost. Satiety begets satiety. A frustrated friend, influences others negatively, while a positive stranger makes us attracted towards them, and we want to befriend this person simply because we do not know him. We have no preconceived notions about strangers. That 4 hours’ train journey made me talk to someone about to lose his father who was admitted in ICU after cardiac arrest. This person was all tears. It touched me. It made my emotions trigger. I felt sorry for this boy, but inside I was calmly happy that I embraced this situation and provided a lending ear because of which this boy smiled and diverted his attention momentarily forgetting the grave situation he was in. This stranger healed me, he was the center of attraction because of his tears, and the sympathy or empathy which flowed out from all passengers around. Everyone warmed up. There was a peculiar cohesiveness and kind smiles on everyone’s face due to this boy’s innocent situation.
You can think about the last year in the back of your mind and yet remember to water your plants, parent your child and love your family during a get together, acknowledging that all this was a present when things were good for us. This present will be cherished similarly after a few years. Things that embarrassed us then are now our strong points.
Knowing little is never harmful, digging into facts is difficult. Exactly why experienced students feel resistant towards deep learning. It is easy to understand better the first read. In future, we are left with no time and energy to redo our learnings. A clean slate is better filled. Whatever is novice to your first read, later, is assimilated with lots of reasons and obstacles. But still it is remembered better. Drawing conclusions before first read is like judging ourselves as a preconceived notion about our mind and it is not recommended. Reasoning of course can bring us back on track or make us remember the first time we read a concept. A student’s day well spent learning or a teacher’s teaching is enough reason to be happy. Inculcate objectivity not subjectivity daily to become happy. Be happiest by becoming mature not a vulnerable judge.