Little acts of courageous volunteerism wins hearts
Not everyone is a manager, not all are men.

I like her, she went through the pain of giving birth. She could have made it easy for herself, but she wanted the natural process. She wanted to take the pains and enjoy her maternity snuggling up to the nurse and doctor hoping that pains are momentary and a safe birth awaits her. A healthy birth is the stepping stone of happiness forever. Indeed a healthy baby is born.
This woman has struggled all her life with less money, how to end her agony? The husband left her for someone beautiful, crying for her 7 children. She decided to leave the village with her children. She is a house-maid but more than a female entrepreneur.
Her children left her long ago, her husband died 6 years ago, this woman is 80 years old, full of life and wisdom. She cares for her neighbors and their children, prays hard, takes very short steps and is still hoping to live a decent life, embracing her loneliness.
Nobody talks to her, they instinctively dislike her. But she is a warrior who spent her entire lifetime to prepare herself for this sort of a success but it is callous and lonely out there. Some people might just kill her not withstanding her success. Who cares?
Her husband hits her so badly, but she is still hopeful. She dares. She knows she cannot leave him without being misused by her mother’s family. She can go no where but withstand domestic violence.
A mental illness consumes her. People are making fun of her. She smiles and goes to the temple to distribute Cadbury to the children of the slum. She is still hopeful that her life will change.
She met with an accident and is bed ridden. But she is industrious. She started knitting beautiful cardigans for children. Her art took away despair from her life. She is a boon and not a burden after all.
Readers, these examples are not iterated for woman empowerment but to acknowledge that a person is power in herself who can influence others to not bow down to destiny but fight back, make a come back till the last breath that says I respect myself, and I stand upright.
Inspiration is everywhere, but this one touches me more than ever recently; and hope every woman practices this.
“Seek refuge in the attitude of detachment and you will amass the wealth of spiritual awareness. The one who is motivated only by the desire for the fruits of their action, and anxious about the results, is miserable indeed”- Bhagwat Geeta.
The quote begets a practice of detachment that can lead us to the path of true knowledge. Such cognizance that you internalize your desire for a positive reaction towards the good you do. You thank yourself for being a wonderful soul even if your husband beats you, your friends mock you, professional seekers try to ruin you and so on.
That smile you bear on your face is your endurance, it should not be for people pleasing or being in good books or out of fear. It is that confidence you get after detachment from the external frivolousness, weakness, adjustment. All done now. Be directed towards growth, achievement and love for the life that is left in your hand, and not dependent upon rebukes and good or bad comments you have been receiving when you sought to become a people’s person.
You still are among people but your role has changed. You have started ignoring the rut. They do not scare you anymore. They now want to understand you rather than you telling about yourself in the quest for forceful adjustment. Behold this gratification. It is how you were meant to be. Suddenly the spark in your eyes shows you are bright and not someone who needs to be told to do things.
Accept that all are flawed including yourself. Flawlessness is not our goal, living with them is. If they pick on you or note petty things in your character and how good you do what you do, ignore them, they are not worth considering. The critique is internal now, questions are from yourself and not instigated from outside. You are a woman, and are among the great women that nature has produced to fight, to endure, to fit in, to stand out, rather to live.
Enjoy your womanhood with utmost self-respect and self-compassion. This is not selfish, it is circumstantial. All great women have fought to reach where they wanted to. The sky is the limit. Go for it, write, draw, cook, teach, treat, make money, do charity and so on. The zenith is close. Enjoy the process throughout your journey to reach it.
So let us all volunteer for that smile, for the reassurance, for a lending ear, for a compassionate hug. Become her guide. Become soulful and not soul less. Become a supporter for whatever the way would be that she ends her agony. It is difficult if she is close. Even more difficult if she is a stranger. Courageously volunteer for a woman in despair. It could be your mother, sister, friend, wife or a complete stranger. Just a pat on the shoulder and say everything is alright, you are still alive!!
Do not let your womanhood pass by in fear. Be courageous. Volunteer for each other. Just thank the goodness around you but do not fool yourself for its impermanence. Cohesiveness, chatter, affection are some abstract things that build a lot of confidence in those who lack it. Take the responsibility to set things right for others. You can be isolated, demeaned, scolded or avoided but if your goal is strong with clear intentions, you become unstoppable to reach out there and help.
Help each other. A great solution for those in despair. It has a bidirectional effect. Embrace this effect and consequently feel nice about it at least!!