Key to happiness……

Aim of our inner chatter is to bring a consensus between our thoughts and actions, explore our desires, needs, feelings and find appropriate solutions.
Looking for guidance outside is a quick answer to our problems, but to really be happy we need to do deep work within ourselves.
Usually a virtuous living brings happiness. By constantly doing things against virtues, discontentment sets in. Frustration begins and we become false personalities. When you are forced from inside to act against your kind of ethics, according to your personality, you end up in conflict, that which causes asynchronised mind and heart. We perceive multiple triggers everyday but a sane mind quickly resolves inner conflict by achieving a synchronised state of inner peace.
I am in a 7 star hotel with an opportunity to binge the highest quality of chocolate cake with a glass of wine. But my medical reports suggest a fatty liver disease, diabetes, and I feel weak. I am unhappy with my reports and my heart wants to binge. Can I quickly reach a consensus? Can I resolve the conflict? Why not look at the other aspect? I can order a salad caeser after a swim and a long walk before which I drink a wheat grain fortified yoghurt. I feel a lasting happiness with this choice of mine and moreover my conflict resolution synchronised me for the better without any guilt and a trigger bringing more opportunities for even healthier choices. This chain reaction of a good choice and reduced conflict is the key to my happiness.
For a truly fulfilling life, one should never act until mind and heart are synchronised. Then only can we be in control of our life and progress to a truly happy state and our efforts towards our goals become easy and fruitful.

Stay happy!!