How to live Smug and Happy!!
How do you sit and how do you stand? Are you God’s great experiment? Do you wish to live a path decided by people who comment on sit or stand or do you wish to be an experiment, with uncertain outcomes on a daily basis to find meaning to the God’s most beautiful creation- your life. You may sit if your mind wants you to do so, and likewise she may stand according to her mind. Sometimes you must oblige others by standing if your mind wants to listen to the command, or you may still want to sit ignoring the command. So does she (that other person in your kind of situation). And if these commands are followed or ignored in millions of seconds of life, we create variety, we create interest in life designing and adjusting with each other!!
We are all carrying the baggage of life in different circumstances and hope to wake up each day and be fortunate to achieve our decided small to do list of goals as soon as possible. Some pray, some resort to crook, some form strategies, some stay consistent, yet only a few people remain happy and content because they know that this moment counts, it is blissful, with or without the people around who made it and that they must enjoy this beautiful moment, take a deep breath…..the moment in which I can read, converse, improve, treat, listen, acknowledge, say thanks, be a bit angry, be full of emotions and enjoy because of the hope that I shall die another day!!
Therefore to live your life to the full, live in the next one hour, plan it and save it in your mindful memories, add up the experiential learning, please respect your life, don’t let it pass aimlessly, tell a great story, even if it is too bad or too interesting, for a destitute the story is of hunger and shelter, for a mother her children, for a farmer his harvest, for a Mahatma his nation, for a doctor his journey and patients, and the reason in every human being for being not so happy…. Just jot down the reasons for not having lived a moral or wishful life or having lived a wonderful life, create your environment and do live, now in the next one hour and many more such hours, what are you missing, you may spend another hour just thinking, so just grab your book and read, just buy that dress, or just rush to work or share with a destitute a bowl of good food, enjoy with them and be satisfied with your life just in this instance and smile, live!!
Make a routine, a schedule and break your discipline irregularly regular. Then only we can live a content life. We cannot have novelty every day, love the monotony. We should spend at least one hour every day on personal grooming, as who doesn’t like to appear appealing and smart? Spend one hour daily walking, speed of walking is based on your purpose, losing weight or alone time meditating. While you walk, recall your achievements and stay positive. Never go near toxic people (according to your definition of such people). You are allowed to have an opinion about people at work and family. Don’t think too much about them. If you feel guilty by avoiding them, open your heart, allow them to encroach upon your life but with restrictions and filters in your mind to not allow them to tax your inner peace. Find work daily, plan and have goals on a monthly basis. Keep yourselves busy, don’t have a confused wandering and unprepared endeavors. If you wander to create, give only half an hour to it. Rest of your day needs to be mindful. Sleep tight, don’t burden yourself with reducing sleeping hours. None of the intelligent work comes out of lack of sleep. All students must sleep and all children and adults must sleep good. Form a sleeping habit, at the same time approximately every day. It is OK but not good to stay up all night and to sleep during the day if that is your biological rhythm. Embrace productivity with utmost emotional strength and don’t waste it, do it be a doer, be optimistic and reign your inner world with love for yourself, your life in order to become capable of loving others. Then when you publish your inner manuscript in the form of meeting the outer world, you shall be happy and content.
So now you ought not to bother about how to sit or how to stand. Now the paradigm shifts from HOW TO to HOW WELL to sit and stand. Embrace the quality in you and other people, shove away those of whom you cannot testify for quality in your paradigm, and yet open your heart and enjoy living because I have seen the destitute children receiving and contagiously passing smiles when you smile at them!! That can be counted as a blissful experience!!
P.S I love my parents who are an epitome of goodness, hard work, helpful and great beings who made me what I am today, inside out….really good, with a touch of modesty!!