Figuring things out…………
They will take care of themselves!!!

Perhaps the Buddha thought of Nirvana as his ultimate goal of life. He created his own life’s path not withstanding any obstacle in person or kind to continue his call for life. Initial trigger in his life was remorse.
Nineteen years ago he was thinking his father shall return and live with him for good. His father would bestow upon him his family virtues and protect him both emotionally and financially. There was a dearth of protection without his father. He wanted to grow old with his father. Someone who would cheer him up, go for walks with him and teach him the importance of depth in life. He wanted the purest form of man to man, buddy to buddy thing. But the dad never turned up. Something happened and he was long gone.
The boy was confused by the loss. There were very many moments of despair, heart-broken he was and the young boy was exposed to hurdles in all walks of life. Everything became his own responsibility, wisdom long gone, righteousness dwindled and only alcohol was left. A colorless life lied ahead of him without his father. Can fortitude fill the void in some small ways was his question to himself. Certainly the void must not be filled with viciousness. He became mechanical, he thought I should laugh, I have to make them laugh, I need to work, I need to study, I need to care without returns, I want to become a good soul, his agony went on and on.
Then he realized if these thoughts were worth his perspective. Should he keep figuring things out or stuff works on its own? He should not see things as a responsibility, let life flow for a while. Why not that girl fill his void? Let me get involved!!
Money will happen, health will happen but may be she happens to him. Why not that 10 minutes phone call with his beloved heal him and fill his void? His father is no more and he must father a child, he is preoccupied with such dreams. Will she be his mate? Can she share his responsibilities? Can she bring colors to his life? He wants to quit alcohol. She doesn’t like it. His sisters love her, will she reciprocate? His guy friends envy him when he is with her. He dreams of a home, a friend, a mate. He wants to earn her a decent living. He is not counting the loss, he counts his comeback with colors in life with this girl.
Now things are figuring themselves out, he need not do it himself. The Gods are good to him, they take his responsibility because they brought him to life. He bathes daily, goes to work, calls her, chats with friends, discusses problems with sisters. Almost perfect. The Gods paved the way towards happiness, enrichment with abound beauty, longevity and he feels alive. He stopped pushing hard. He started going with the flow.
When there is a flow, opportunities come by. Stagnant lifelessness is close to death. Therefore, he flows. Slowly and steadily he treads past life, then there is momentum. Suddenly the mother and sisters become live with him, soon she will add life to him. The women in his life fill the void. He fathers them as his father used to. He did not cry, now would. Even his emotions, need to flow. He decided let’s float and flow. His hero made him a hero and he grows.
P.S The story is about two great guys, my cousin and a friend sharing common grief, who suffered similarly. My message to them is to make a come-back when life pulls them behind. Never become lifeless or subdued or a laid back spectator of own life. You are young so grow up emotionally. Be intelligent. God bless you.