How do I need to deal with anger?

I have been thinking badly lately about most people around me. These compulsions come from an agitated soul who is sorting herself out for the next course in life as a better doctor. A doctor in everyone’s mind is someone who behaves well but some things have crossed my limits and it becomes difficult to control. Then I realized my anger is only inside, environmental triggers are miniscule, they do not have enough weightage to cause me this. This is the summer month of anger for me, and if I do not control, it will become aggression and then of course poor concentration. To help me combat, these quotes might begin my journey for this month.
From Zend Avesta: “He, who behaves well with a righteous person, whether that person be his relation, his fellow-worker, his subordinate, or one who looks after his cattle, is one who is engaged in works of truth and good thoughts.”
Sometimes despite anger in our minds, we need to keep a good behavior, this demeanor calms our thoughts and we refresh our memory with mild, and kind thinking due to a good behavior.
Its difficult though. Lots of principles are there to follow a good mental sanitation so that we do not behave bad with people. We let go all vitiated thoughts in this process. I have been in this good behavior mode since childhood. But this anger of mine is increasing day by day. I need to control, I know it will pass by. I still want to behave well but its hopeless with such confounding thoughts. Of course the struggle is mine, so I write.
And it is the following that Avesta has to say, about principles of a good mental sanitation that might improve my dealings with others and with anger:
“Do not be the companion of a man, who is easily susceptible to anger. Do not enter into any discussion with a senseless person. Do not take meals with a drunkard. Do not hear the words of a scandal-monger and a liar. Consult a man, who is well-behaved, well-informed, intelligent and good natured, and be his companion. Avoid the company of a man in power who is revengeful. Do not tell your secrets to a foolish man. Hold in respect one, who is a man of position and wise; ask his advice and listen to him. In an assembly, wherever you sit, do not sit before an untruthful man, so that you may not have cause to regret for that.”
This will leave us with one or two people in life to communicate with. If I avoid confrontation with most, I shall be less angry. My circle narrows with only quality people. This is something that I dread. I am a people’s person. And then one more thing, who am I to judge a liar, a drunkard or a senseless person. Why should I underestimate other people? But this is being naive and a scapegoat ready to be butchered. Therefore, the wisdom of Avesta has substance to it. Do not allow trouble in the first place.
We may be knowing the Avesta since time immemorial, but applying it today, can re-invent our relationship with others. If you are principled, others might get encouraged to change for the better. This way you can speak up and enjoy your socio-cultural life which cannot bring dissatisfaction or anger, this life that begins with wisdom.
This anger must be synchronized with a higher order thinking, you get angry because of multiple betrayals by family, friends, colleagues etc. Higher order thinking starts with understanding and sorting out ourselves. With this there will be a drastic change in mentality which becomes cleansed when we look inside and not outside for quick fixes.
“All good thoughts, all good words, all good actions are the result of knowledge. All bad thoughts, all bad words, all bad actions are not the result of knowledge. All good thoughts, all good words, and all good actions lead to the best state of existence (i.e., Heaven).All bad thoughts, all bad words, and all bad actions lead to the worst state of existence (i.e., Hell). The result of all good thoughts, good words, and good actions is the best state of existence (i.e., Heaven). This is evident to the righteous.”
If we all choose virtuous people for company, we will be surrounded with goodness. This is all that needs to be done for now for a good behavior. All good and bad can be well assimilated with courage that if you are righteous first, everything else then falls in place.
I am a doctor, and a teacher….I need to control my anger that boils inside frequently lately!!