Be your own leader, undeterred in the game of life
The common thing in all kinds of mentally ill people is that they feel confiscated, sabotaged especially mentally that further affects their physical, emotional and social well being. This feeling of self sabotage comes in two faces-either you cannot control surroundings and self or you are controlled by your surroundings and self. The mentally ill feel this way when they either alienate themselves or people abandon them to prevent the obnoxious vibes, and it makes them feel loathsome when all kinds of doctors and psychologists ask them to work upon their thoughts when thoughts are their innate problem that which cause them pain and when they work upon them, they get devastated in the process. The problem is they cannot lead themselves!! To deal with them, we need patience and let them be convinced that they will feel better by getting control of their mind and that they are special and never give up trying to become sane again. It may never happen and seem like impossible to get back their former self, they feel like being doomed, it doesn’t work no matter what but in this game of life, fight their odds and live the game of life.
A mental illness is a situation where the fight for existence becomes a necessity by the insane mind, that which the normal people ignore and such people suffering are lucky because their responsibility is shed and their burden is shared by family, some friends, health practitioners and more and not in the least, but by the society. Whereas, there are people, sane ones who are slaves of the environment and never dare to stand out, never dare to commit to being a change and never try to think beyond 3 meals and some money to buy knick knacks of daily life and never seize the opportunity to contribute in some way to add pleasure in other people’s lives, they never make a difference and are so concerned with their bodily needs that any encroachment is deciphered as breach. Don’t be such. Don’t live big if you cannot, but don’t waste what you learnt in your life, however, by books or experiences. Those 3 meals that you earn must make a difference in someone’s life at work and at home!!
Be those others who deprive own solace by using their own mind and emotions just to take responsibility and stop other people to commit mistakes that you foresee. This comes with experience and this self sabotage makes a leader. They take the burden.
I am not asking myself or others to lead the country or world or family. I am asking people to lead themselves, to know themselves, to protect themselves and others in situations where your instinct is to stop a mishap from happening, that small error which you perceive before others can, and you take an action, a risk… may be wrong but you will never regret it because it was out of love because when you love and lead yourself, you can do the same for others.
Leaders are not good, not fragile, not tempted, they serve.
Again I emphasize, be own leader and may be for a very few, as few as one person or a child at least. If you can make that small positive change with good will, then you succeed and you have lived.
To lead yourself you need discipline, clear objectives and a thick skin. And most sane people possess these traits, so no need to worry. I am practicing and so can you. Disciplined people attract other people. They save time and get work done efficiently and their advice is well taken. They plan their day and therefore can formulate objectives every day, for weeks and years to get work done, to create an impact and succeed. But most of us have been raised softly, especially girls who when left for the world by the family, might suffer because she is not a thick skin. The hardship she faces in her life makes her a thick skin eventually. This makes women great leaders.
I admire Swami Vivekananda where in one of his speech he said, “People, you don’t know, you better listen to me first”. He wanted to guide, like our primary school teachers. He was confident enough to put forward his viewpoints on several important issues that could prevent trouble in a common man’s life, those that he felt were right. When I first thought about what he said, I did not like it. I thought that Swami was imposing him on others. But when I gave a second thought, I adopted what he said because when you talk intellectually between two people, the discourse is rich and we learn from each other. The swami was considered an enlightened monk and he tried to spread his teachings in the form of God’s work. That was him but now in current times we become our own leaders and God’s work is all through plethora of knowledge available from the World Wide Web. All we need is to practice and lead ourselves and the only salvage we have in these times is surely by bringing discipline into our lives, formulate objectives to adhere to discipline and then become a thick skin so that we prevent mental illness and live smug and lead ourselves and others who might be deprived in some form or other.