Absorb content because that is why it matters!!
Creators have a purpose that is far more than financial and publicity gains. They write to continue the good work. They surpass their limits to identify themselves with their work. They change to create and manifest at the same time. When their thoughts run and they want to find peace, they create. Fashion, for example, sets trends that leave a mark. Such trends bring about the judgment of our own character, we understand how much to improve, or how badly we want to be doing what we are doing. That judgment of character that we label ourselves with is to create or else the fire within will not subside. So truly commit to creating something that is of your kind.
Slow down thoughts so that I grasp every idea or thought that I can share with you making it a worthwhile experience for my readers to know- A writer’s affirmation!!
Let them condescend, undermine, refute, rebuke or retaliate against my work. Still, I am satisfied with my originality, my freakiness, and my motivation to really contribute in a small way. Sometimes the minutest offering sparks others to perform. It is sometimes enough to inspire through subtle and hidden words within. A virtuous cycle begins of teaching and learning.
This cannot happen until we consume content. Absorb several times what you read daily. It needn’t be a lot of reading but effective learning. To get better, to thrive, we must learn facts, theories, and concepts shared by other people. Always think they are smarter than you. This default state boosts our creativity. Continuously keep absorbing.
The next step is to understand fully what you consume. Try changing the concept written to truly absorb it. The analogy is to think in different ways about the same content, with different plots in mind, some totally opposite to what is written. Do not be disheartened by the fact that you fully agree and cannot change it, because it is never unwise to agree. Then only you can remember it by labeling the content as useful after studying all aspects, all plots. We can be for or against or somewhat for and somewhat against. This is a good mental exercise to defend yourself, build a strong mind, and think critically. What you just did, you absorbed the content.
Another hack to assimilate other people’s work is to enjoy them and create a solidarity that upbrings the community. Many debates arise, and even more, are solved this way. We get to have options, negotiate or remain stubborn, the choice is ours but we absorbed their opinion. Don’t you think this is life? We experience other people’s thoughts and get motivated to change ours or consolidate our own summary of things read and shared. Isn’t that the purpose of human life? To think, learn, and write?
Spend time to involve yourself, to indulge as much as possible in other people’s work. This benefits us, in the long run, to be original with our own creation after we have analyzed thoroughly what works for us.
Remember if you can understand others, you have the capability to understand yourself, your goal, and your mission, that is bliss. This is what the sages of the past suggested and accomplished.
Be yourself. Buy yourself a good time before wealth and laurels. Soon that may also follow if you need. Misfortune can strike us at any moment but do not compromise your values or self-worth or thoughts and ideas even during the most unlucky moments of life. Such moments are plenty in the life of adventurous people, persons who take risks beyond their capacity to dare and challenge themselves for more. They create luck.
So to live as a creative, absorb and assimilate a lot of books and content. Pray for those moments when you can easily work hard.